Way to find the product key that was used to install that copy. This presents a problem as we have hundreds of machines, all with their own personal copy of Office but when we want to trickle it down and have to do a factory reset there is no Office 2013 doesn't seem to have ANY way to find the product key for itself.

The only problem is, once we switched over to Office 2013 we have a problem. From what I've seen, this is a very good way to save us money and Recycle computers, as in when the machine is no longer fit for an engineering machine, due to advances in software and hardware, we then upgrade the engineer and trickle down the computers.

This is cheaper for us and helps make it easy to set up a new machine with everything on it. I work at a company where we buy our versions of office with our Dell computers, usually. This is less of a question and more of a simple complaint.